My Fulldome film “Journey to a Billion Suns” has attracted over 120,000 visitors in 2014. The film has been running in 33 planeteria in ten countries, with more than 2,100 performances in total. It tells the story about measuring the distances in the Universe with space telescopes, in particular the European Gaia telescope.
Amongst the participating planetaria, the Spanish Parc Astronomic in Montsec recorded the most visitors, while the Hamburg planetarium in Germany acheived the most visitors per week. Two third of planetaria have earned the ten years’ licensing fee in a single year’s time.
After a two years’ production period, and with substantial support by the European Space Agency ESA, “Journey to a Billion Suns” has premiered in January 2014. Later, it has been presented at Fulldome and cinema film festivals in Europe, America and Asia, and won prizes and praise for its storytelling. As of today, 43 planetaria have scheduled it in their programmes, including Russia, the US, Korea and India.
Fulldome films cannot be played other than in planetaria. Fulldome is a special cinema format, allowing to screen a warped video image onto the entire inner surface of a planetarium dome and making it a unique 360° experience. The requirement in resolution is enormeous, as is the effect: The film virtually immerses the audience into the plot. New spacial sound audio amplifies the visitor involvement.